long time with your girlfriend...She start to be like your
sister..Udadewenu.. meaning...You end up not getting an erection...That's
why we get divorces. Some people will say the solution is
communicating... listening..counseling, and all the other related
stuff...I do not think so! Here is how you solve your problem: The
best thing to do uma nishadile or staying together ukuthi nifebelane and
in that way you won't find each other boring.
attractive to you because she wants to look attractive to the other
people who are bonking her or who want to bonk her...
because you have your partner and the other people you are bonking to
satisfy... uyafeba... if you look around most women
abafebayo....they have successful marriages that last forever....and
the girls abafebayo...are the most to get married than abo Miss Goodie
art of betraying.. lying with a straight face...juggling many BALLS...
sleeping with three people in one weekend (satisfying all of them)
..Most women abaqala ukufeba sebeshadile... they fail... because they
have not mastered what i have mentioned above...as a women ..
they disappoint you...you will just take it as one of those things that
happen in life ( this is a very valuable lesson in life...not taking life
that seriously) because you find people want to kill themselves after
finding out that their partner have been cheating on them. Ukufeba will
also help you go ahead in your career because you know the weakest points
of men/women...
that i-competition is tough... even when having sex ... you make sure that
you screw them better than the other people she is seeing... to know if
something is good or not...you must have had a big one before than after
you cross the bridge yokufebelana, I'm telling you; you going to have a
successful marriage or Vat en Sit. I also want all the guys to admit that
with izifebe they are more fun than abo Miss Goodie Goodie because they
go all the way. Viva Bufebe viva ????
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