Wednesday, February 29, 2012

100% korobela!!! Whats your say about this...

I personally believe that this guy just love helping his wife, I don’t thing they is anything to do with korobela. He want to bond with his baby and have time to himself.

Dear Rato,

O nthusitse wa njesa nkabo ke sa go rate jaana.
Waitse Peter le Joe ba ntena ba tlhola ba nkopeletse bare o njesitse korobela.
Ga ke tlhole ke batla go nwa le bona.

Ke ya go ba botsa ba kgaogane le nna. Ke a go thusa mos.

Abbey ena a re o ya go nkisa ko mothong, otla ipona ga keye koo nna.

Tsamaya oye go iketla le basadi ke tla sala ke tlhatswa dikotlelo ke be, ke jesa ngwana le go mo tlhapisa.o tla fitlhela re robetse!

Ba ntena waitse!


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